International Handbook of Physics Education Research 2021-03-22T16:23:24+03:00 Mehmet Fatih Taşar Open Journal Systems <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text"> <div class="book-info__publisher"> <div class="book-info__publisher-name"> <div class="book-info__authors"> <div class="al-authors-list book-info__author-list"> <div class="al-authors-list editors"> <div class="book-info__author-prefix al-author-prefix"><strong>The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: <em>Learning Physics</em></strong></div> <div class="book-info__author-prefix al-author-prefix">Edited by</div> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Mehmet Fatih Taşar</a><span class="hidden al-author-delim">;</span></div> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Paula R. L. Heron</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="book-info__publisher"> <div class="book-info__publisher-name">AIP Publishing LLC</div> </div> <div class="book-info__doi"> <div class="book-info__doi-text">DOI: <a class="book-info__doi-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN electronic: 978-0-7354-2547-7</div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN print: 978-0-7354-2544-6</div> </div> <div class="book-info__publication"> <div class="book-info__publication-text">Publication date: 2023</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"><strong>The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: <em>Teaching Physics</em></strong></div> <div class="book-info__isbn">Edited by</div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-number"> <div class="book-info__authors"> <div class="al-authors-list book-info__author-list"> <div class="al-authors-list editors"> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Mehmet Fatih Taşar</a><span class="hidden al-author-delim">;</span></div> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Paula R. L. Heron</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="book-info__publisher"> <div class="book-info__publisher-name">AIP Publishing LLC</div> </div> <div class="book-info__doi"> <div class="book-info__doi-text">DOI: <a class="book-info__doi-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN electronic: 978-0-7354-2571-2</div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN print: 978-0-7354-2568-2</div> </div> <div class="book-info__publication"> <div class="book-info__publication-text">Publication date: 2023</div> <div class="book-info__publication-text"> </div> <div class="book-info__publication-text"><strong>The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: <em>Special Topics</em></strong></div> <div class="book-info__publication-text"> <div class="book-info__authors"> <div class="al-authors-list book-info__author-list"> <div class="al-authors-list editors"> <div class="book-info__author-prefix al-author-prefix">Edited by</div> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Mehmet Fatih Taşar</a><span class="hidden al-author-delim">;</span></div> <div class="al-author-name book-info__author js-flyout-wrap"><a class="linked-name js-linked-name book-info__author-link stats-author-info-trigger">Paula R. L. Heron</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="book-info__publisher"> <div class="book-info__publisher-name">AIP Publishing LLC</div> </div> <div class="book-info__doi"> <div class="book-info__doi-text">DOI: <a class="book-info__doi-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN electronic: 978-0-7354-2551-4</div> </div> <div class="book-info__isbn"> <div class="book-info__isbn-text">ISBN print: 978-0-7354-2548-4</div> </div> <div class="book-info__publication"> <div class="book-info__publication-text">Publication date: 2023</div> <div class="book-info__publication-text"> </div> <div class="book-info__publication-text">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> IHPER Editorial Team 2021-02-09T13:19:39+03:00 Mehmet Fatih Taşar Paula Heron <p>Two professors, M. Fatih Taşar and Paula Heron, are serving as IHPER general editors, who put forth the vision for the handbook and started the efforts to bring together a team of internationally renowned scholars. They have prepared the proposal for AIPP for the handbook that consists of 3 volumes, 13 sections, and 82 chapters. It is hoped that the field of Physics Education Research will extensively benefit from the outline and the content of IHPER.</p> <h2 class="jumplink-heading content-section-header section-type--section" data-magellan-destination="85139002">Acknowledgments</h2> <div class="category-section content-section js-content-section" data-statsid="85139003"> <p>This handbook would not be possible without the support, suggestions, critiques, and contributions of a large number of people. First and foremost, we are grateful for the work of the <strong>section editors</strong> who recruited and supported authors, reviewed chapters, and wrote section overviews: Marisa Michelini, Italy; Shulamit Kapon, Israel; Olivia Levrini, Italy; Edit Yerushalmi, Israel; Bat Sheva Eyon, Israel; Sarantos Psycharis, Greece; Eugenia Etkina, USA; Eric Brewe, USA; Eilish McLoughlin, Ireland; Feral Ogan Bekiroglu, Turkiye; Geraldine Cochran, USA; Don Metz, Canada; Peter Heering, Germany; Cibelle Celestino Silva, Brazil; Marika Kapanadze, Georgia; Gabriela Jonas-Ahrend, Germany; Gesche Pospiech, Germany; and David Meltzer, USA. The results are a credit to their efforts. Early in the process we received invaluable suggestions from a small group of <strong>advisors</strong>: Richard Gunstone, Australia; David Hestenes, USA; the late Norman G. Lederman, USA; Marcia Linn, USA; Robin Millar, UK; E. F. (Joe) Redish, USA; the late Laurence Viennot, France; and the late Lillian C. McDermott.</p> </div> 2021-02-09T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 International Handbook of Physics Education Research IHPER Table of Contents (TOC) 2021-01-13T15:14:00+03:00 Mehmet Fatih Taşar Paula Heron <p>This is the tentative TOC in which, as editors, we put together our initial ideas for the volumes, parts and chapters so that we can have a structure for the IHPER to propose.</p> 2020-09-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 International Handbook of Physics Education Research GUIDELINES FOR IHPER AUTHORS 2021-03-22T16:23:24+03:00 Mehmet Fatih Taşar Paula Heron <p>Dear IHPER authors please read the guidelines carefully and see the updated timeline.</p> 2021-01-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 International Handbook of Physics Education Research AIP Author Guide ebooks August 2020 2020-12-02T17:31:39+03:00 IHPER Editor <p>"The AIP Author Guide" includes acceptable document formats (i.e. Microsoft Word® and LaTeX),&nbsp; Submission Guidelines, Manuscript Guidelines, creating Subject Index, check lists, etc. Common types of referencing in APA style are given on the last page of this document.</p> 2020-11-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 AIP APA 7th Edition Class Powerpoint 2020-11-30T16:40:38+03:00 Carrie Forbes <p>Presentation of changes in APA Style Manual citations and referencing comparison.</p> 2020-11-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Carrie Forbes Guidelines for APA Referencing and Manuscript Writing (Southern Institute of Technology) 2020-11-30T15:49:36+03:00 IJPCE Editor <p>Quick guide for APA Publication Manual 2020.</p> 2020-11-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Southern Institute of Technology SAMPLE REVIEW ARTICLE: Models of conceptual change in science learning: establishing an exhaustive inventory based on support given by articles published in major journals 2020-11-10T16:39:24+03:00 Patrice Potvin <p>In this article, we propose an analysis of the state of, and trends in, the field of conceptual change research in science education through the lens of its models. Using a quantitative approach, we reviewed all conceptual change articles (n = 245) published in five major journals in the field of science education in search of the support that their authors give to conceptual change models (CC models). We looked for support in the form of explicit or implicit mentions, favourable and&nbsp; unfavourable position statements and empirical confirmations and refutations. The results present a thorough description of all types of support, as well as their evolution from the early days of the field to today. We also propose a hierarchical list of the 86 CC models that we have recorded, appearing in decreasing order by the support they received from the literature. General comments are formulated in order to provide an interpretation of the field and its evolution.</p> 2020-10-02T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Studies in Science Education, Volume 56, 2020 - Issue 2 SAMPLE REVIEW ARTICLE: Use of the concept of Bildung in the international science education literature, its potential, and implications for teaching and learning 2020-11-10T14:17:51+03:00 Jesper Sjöström Nadja Frerichs Vânia G. Zuin Ingo Eilks <p>Bildung is a complex educational concept that emerged in Germany in the mid eighteenth century. Especially in Germany and Scandinavia conceptions of Bildung became the general philosophical framework to guide both formal and informal education. Bildung concerns the whole range of education from setting educational objectives in general towards its particular operation in different school subjects, among them science education. In more recent years, the concept of Bildung has slowly begun to be used in the international science and environmental education literature. This paper presents a systematic analysis of the international literature concerning the use of the concept of Bildung, with a view on its meaning in and for science education. At least five versions based on or closely connected to the tradition of Bildung can be identified: (a) Von Humboldt’s classical Bildung, (b) Anglo-American liberal education, (c) Scandinavian folk-Bildung, (d) democratic education, and (e) critical-hermeneutic Bildung. These different understandings of Bildung are discussed in relation to their historical roots, educational theory, critique, and their relation to philosophies of science education, such as different visions of scientific literacy. Based on critical-hermeneutic Bildung, the paper theoretically develops views of critical-reflexive Bildung as an educational metatheory. It is connected to ideas of transformative learning, sustainability education and a Vision III of scientific literacy. Finally, some implications of critical-reflexive Bildung for teaching and learning are discussed.</p> 2020-11-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2017 Studies in Science Education, Volume 53, 2017 - Issue 2 Diagram: Development of the TPACK literature 2020-11-30T16:52:35+03:00 IJPCE Editor <p>This diagram is intended to show the origins and trends in TPACK literature.</p> 2020-11-30T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2020 MFT DYE