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Guidelines for APA Referencing and Manuscript Writing (Southern Institute of Technology)
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The IHPER Advisory Board M. Sabieh Anwar, Pakistan
IHPER - International Handbook of Physics Education Research Editors are grateful for the enthusiasm and support so generously given by the IHPER Advisory Board members all of whom are prominent physics education researchers from around the world with deepest knowledge and experience in the field. As the field of PER grows and diversifies, it is increasingly difficult for newcomers to gain an appreciation of the major findings across all sub-domains, to discern global themes, and to recognize gaps in the literature. We believe that a synthesis of the research could play an important role for both researchers and practitioners. Our goal is to produce a resource that addresses the following central questions: We propose to invite a broad spectrum of researchers with international reputations to contribute chapters that synthesize results on important topics of PER. The Advisory Board members will be providing (1) suggestions to refine and/or fill gaps in the list of potential authors and reviewers (especially with regard to international representation), |