About the Journal


The aim of the IJPCE is to publish original, double-blind peer reviewed articles on various topics and research methods in physics and chemistry education. IJPCE targets academics, researchers, teachers, policy makers, and other practitioners of physics and chemistry education.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of topics suitable for IJPCE as they are related to physics and chemistry education:

  • Original research, literature reviews, methodological discussions, and position papers
  • Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies
  • Classroom-based research, design-based research, developmental research, and evidence-based reports on effective teaching practices
  • Action research, self-study, teacher inquiry, and transformative education
  • Elementary, secondary, and tertiary physics and chemistry education
  • Teacher education and in-service professional development
  • Curriculum history, curriculum development, and curriculum innovation
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Pedagogical issues in physics and chemistry teaching
  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)
  • Misconceptions, conceptual understanding, conceptual learning, conceptual change, learning progressions
  • STEM education
  • Practical work and learning in school science laboratory
  • History, philosophy, and sociology of science in science teaching
  • Science and society, socio-scientific issues (SSI)
  • Education for sustainable development (ESD) in physics and chemistry education
  • Models, visualizations, and representations
  • Computer assisted teaching and learning, digital media and ICT in science education, animations and simulations
  • Astronomy education
  • Earth science education as it is related to physics and/or chemistry education
  • Argumentation, media literacy, science communication
  • Metacognition, self-regulation, and motivation
  • Gender issues
  • Relationship of mathematics to physics and chemistry education
  • Creativity in science education
  • Out of school, non-formal, and informal education

Publication Frequency

International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education (IJPCE) is published biannually.

Title Change

IJPCE had been previously published under the title "Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education" (EJPCE) between 2009 and 2016. IJPCE now continues with a broader prospect and enthusiasm to contribute to the field in various scholarly approaches.

Web of Science Abbreviations

Conduct a 'Cited Reference Search' for articles published by this journal (Cited Work) with the following abbreviations:
Eur. J. Phys. Chem. Educ.
Int. J. Phys. Chem. Educ.