Research on the Effect of Certain Variables Chosen and Technology- Supported Project-Based Learning Approach on 11th-Grade Students’ Attitudes towards Computers

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Attitude, Computer, Project-Based Learning, Electrics, Technology-Supported Learning


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of certain variables chosen (gender, financial state of the family, educational background of the parents, a computer available for use at home and the number of siblings) and technology-supported project-based learning approach applied in the physics course on 11th-grade students’ attitudes towards computers and to evaluate the participating students’ views at the end of the study about the applications they actively took part in. In order to determine the students’ attitudes towards computers, the computer attitude scale was used. The study was carried out with thirty two 11th-grade students in the academic year of 2009-2010. Before starting the applications, the computer attitude scale was applied to the students as a pre-test. The three-hour physics courses were executed with simulations and animations in two course-hours and with the project-based learning approach in the other course-hour. At the end of the applications, the computer attitude scale was applied to the students as a post-test. In order to determine the students’ views about the process as well as about computers, semi-structured interviews were held with them. The results of the analysis demonstrated that there was a significant difference between the computer attitude mean scores of the students before and after the experimental process in favor of the post-test mean scores. But, there were no differences among their attitude scores according to certain variables. The interviews held with the students revealed that the students had positive views about the process and computers.


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Author Biography

Medine Baran, Dicle University

Medine Baran Türkan


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How to Cite

Baran, M., Maskan, A., & Toz, N. (2011). Research on the Effect of Certain Variables Chosen and Technology- Supported Project-Based Learning Approach on 11th-Grade Students’ Attitudes towards Computers. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 3(1), 1–13.