Turkish Adaptation of the Views of Nature of Science-Form C: Validity and Reliability Study

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Nature of science, VNOS-C, Turkish Adaptation, Validity, Reliability


The aim of this study is to adapt the nature of science questionnaire C form to Turkish in a valid and reliable manner. The questionnaire was developed by Abd-El Khalick (1998) and further amendments on the questionnaire were made by Lederman, Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, and Schwartz (2002). The process of adaptation of the questionnaire was carried out in five steps. These are: translating from English to Turkish, back translation from Turkish into English, the implementation of both Turkish and English versions with preservice science teachers, carrying out the pilot research and then the actual research. The items 1 and 4, 6, 7, and 8 after validity and reliability study were revisited and each question was separated into two and indicated as a and b (e.g. 1-a and 1-b). The questionnaire is frequently used in the nature of science research and it was previously adapted to German, Portuguese, Thai, Swedish, Vietnamese and Korean. It is hoped that the Turkish adaptation will contribute to the studies in nature of science in Turkey.


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Author Biography

Mehmet Fatih Taşar, Gazi University

Prof. Mehmet Fatih Taşar is a faculty member at Gazi University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education in Ankara, Turkey. He earned his PhD from The Pennsylvania State University in 2001 in curriculum & instruction with emphasis in science education. His research focuses on qualitative methodologies, learning process studies, science teacher education. So far, Prof. Tasar has supervised 12 doctoral students and 8 master’s students to the successful completion of their degrees. He has published numerous journal articles, delivered keynote speeches and presented scholarly works at the conferences of professional organizations around the world. He has served as editor, editorial board member and reviewer for international journals. Currently Dr. Tasar is the co-editor of ‘International Journal of Physics & Chemistry Education’ and ‘Action Research and Innovation in Science Education’.


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How to Cite

Özcan, H., & Taşar, M. F. (2018). Turkish Adaptation of the Views of Nature of Science-Form C: Validity and Reliability Study. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 10(1), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v10i1.13