Pre-Service Teacher’s Views on the use of Metaphors for Describing the Concepts of Uncertainty and Entanglement in Teaching Quantum Physics

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Quantum physics, Metaphors, Pre-service teacher education


Quantum physics is a fundamental theory of physics heavily relying on its description by mathematical structures. However, its successful handling ensures in no way its conceptual understanding. So teaching quantum physics in high school faces the problem of adequate  strategies. Often visualisations are used in order to provide anchors for students. These have to be chosen carefully to avoid misconceptions. At the same time an adequate verbal explanation of quantum phenomena or of their visualization is sought as physics language is shaped by classical physics. As an additional method for teaching we propose the use of metaphors for making the quantum physical mechanisms more insightful without interference from classical physics.


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How to Cite

Pospiech, G. (2019). Pre-Service Teacher’s Views on the use of Metaphors for Describing the Concepts of Uncertainty and Entanglement in Teaching Quantum Physics. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 11(1), 1–5.