Views of Prospective Chemistry Teachers on the Use of Graphic Organizers Supported with Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Technology in Teaching Electrochemistry Concepts

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Electrochemistry teaching, graphic organizers , interactive PowerPoint presentation technology, prospective chemistry teachers


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the views and experiences of the prospective chemistry teachers (PCTs) about the use of graphic organizers (GOs) supported with interactive PowerPoint presentation technology in teaching electrochemistry concepts. Ten GOs were developed and a pair of slides for all of them which contains partial and complete versions of the GOs was constructed. Participants of this study consisted of two different study groups. The preliminary trial of the study was carried out with four senior PCTs who have previously taken both an Electrochemistry course and an elective course concerning graphic organizers. Data from the first group of the study were collected by semi-structured interview and the experiences of the first group regarding the difficulties experienced during traditional electrochemistry teaching (didactic lecture) were examined. The second study group was eight PCTs who were in the fifth semester and were taking the Electrochemistry course while the study was being undertaken. In the last three weeks of the Electrochemistry course in the second study group, the course was taught with GOs supported with interactive PowerPoint presentation technology, and then the views of them were taken by a written opinion form. At the end of the study, three themes emerged regarding the experiences of the PCTs for the traditionally taught electrochemistry course. These are "difficulties", "inadequacy", and "not being beneficial". It was also concluded that the PCTs thought that the use of GOs supported with interactive PowerPoint presentation technology in teaching electrochemistry could enhance the comprehension and motivation of students.


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How to Cite

Nakiboğlu, C., & Nakiboğlu, N. (2021). Views of Prospective Chemistry Teachers on the Use of Graphic Organizers Supported with Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Technology in Teaching Electrochemistry Concepts. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 13(3), 47–63.