Development of an Instrument and Evaluation Pattern for the Analysis of Chemistry Student Teachers’ Diagnostic Competence
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Diagnostic competence, evaluation pattern development, competence developmentAbstract
Diagnostics have become one of the central tools for planning teaching which accommodates learners' needs. Changes occurring in the chemistry classroom caused by rising levels of student heterogeneity play a crucial role. Thus, diagnostic processes are seen to be part of the cure. For this reason, chemistry (student) teachers need to understand the possibilities and potential for diagnostics in their classrooms. The present study employs a definition of diagnostic competence by Jäger. He emphasizes three domains: conditional knowledge, technological knowledge and knowledge of change. To achieve such competences, student teachers need to start learning about it during their university training. Since there are only few and mainly quantitative instruments in this field, the present paper describes the development of an instrument and an evaluation pattern for analyzing student teachers` diagnostic competence in chemistry. The instrument is a qualitative approach. It is based upon a written essay and open-ended questions. The evaluation pattern will be in focus. Initial results from the present study will also be discussed.
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