Physics Teachers’ Views on the Content and Structure of the Physics Teaching Program

Curriculum content, Curriculum structure, Science curriculum, Scientific literacy, Teacher views, Teaching programsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ views about the content and structure of the 2007 Physics Teaching Program. The participants were 39 teachers working in 27 different schools in Istanbul. The study was designed as a qualitative case study. The data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by employing the constant comparative method. The data showed that 38% of the teachers held positive dispositions towards connections of content with daily life; 74% of the teachers disliked spiral sequencing of content. The teachers raised concerns about discontinuity of content between the 9th grade, in which content is superficial, and the following grades, in which content is dense. The results suggest that context based approach to presenting physics content is appreciated by the teachers, hence, continuing the emphasis on the daily life connections can be recommended. The result simplifies a necessity to differentiate the curriculum to match different student needs and to convince teachers about the necessity of multiple goals of the curriculum.
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