Undesired Behaviors Faced in Classroom by Physics Teachers in High Schools

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  • Adem Bayar Amasya University
  • James H. Kerns University of Missouri-Columbia




Undesired behaviors, Physics teachers, Classroom management


The aim of this study is to define undesired behaviors in the classroom, to better understand the reasons of these undesired behaviors, and to offer strategies to overcome these behaviors. The researchers have used a qualitative research approach in this study. For this aim, the researchers have purposefully selected 12 physics teachers who work in different high schools in Amasya, Turkey. Then, the researchers have carried out open-ended interviews with teachers. Each interview lasted around 40 minutes, was recorded and transcribed. After analyzing the collected data, the researchers have found that teachers define undesired behaviors if the behavior 1) inhibited students’ learning 2) distracted the students’ attention 3) destroyed the students’ motivation and 4) reduced students’ desire to study. Furthermore, teachers have declared that because of following reasons, students demonstrate the undesirable behaviors. These are; lack of motivation, hopelessness to learn, hopelessness to be successful, lack of ready for topic, and prejudice to physics. Teachers have also mentioned that there might be some strategies to overcome the undesired behaviors in the classroom. These are; planned ignoring, signal interference, proximity control, using humor to defuse tension, removing distracting objects, changing student places, and time out. The findings of this study show that there exist undesirable behaviors in physics classes. Unless these determined behaviors have been removed, teaching and motivating of students will be more difficult for physics teachers and it negatively affects students’ learning and academic success. In this regard, the researchers have following recommendations: 1) classroom management lessons at the pre-service education level should be taught more efficiently 2) some professional development activities regarding classroom management should be offered for physics teachers 3) physics teachers should be encouraged to collaborate with psychologists, counselors, and guidance specialists to overcome and address undesirable behaviors in classroom 4) school administration should engage parents and collaborate with them by organizing periodical meetings and 5) school administration should arrange some social activities for students in school such as basketball tournament, soccer tournament, theatre, and etc.


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How to Cite

Bayar, A., & Kerns, J. H. (2015). Undesired Behaviors Faced in Classroom by Physics Teachers in High Schools. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 7(1), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v7i1.45