The Impacts of Dynamic Geometry Software on Graphing Abilities of Prospective Physics Teachers: GeoGebra Sample

Dynamic geometry software, Graphing abilities, Prospective physics teachersAbstract
Dynamic geometry software is computer programs which allow one to visualize abstract concepts as figures and dynamic representations on a computer screen. The effective use of such software as classroom materials becomes possible only when teachers and students have the necessary information and skills. This study aims to identify the graphing abilities of prospective teachers and analyze the impacts of Geogebra, dynamic geometry software, on these abilities. With this aim, a study was conducted on prospective teachers taking general mathematics course. In this study, it was observed that prospective teachers had difficulty especially with drawing and interpreting the graphs of trigonometric and rational functions. However, by using Geogebra they were able to draw and recognize the graphs of functions more easily. By means of interviews with prospective teachers and observations during the performance of activities, findings which verified the same conclusion were also obtained.
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