A Blind Student’s Outdoor Science Learning Experience: Barrier Hunting at METU Science and Technology Museum

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  • Belkıs Garip Middle East Technical University
  • Mustafa Şahin Bülbül Middle East Technical University




Science Centers, Universal Design, Blind Learners, Barrier Hunting


The aim of this study is about how to adapt the science centers to blind students. For this purpose a barrier hunting methodology is used. This methodology includes seven steps such as selecting the group and place, recording the barriers during the visit and evaluating the recorded barriers. According to the barrier hunting with a blind student at METU Science and Technology Museum, barriers are categorized in six dimensions; access barriers to the area, access barriers to the material, access barriers to the information, safety barriers around the area, safety barriers around the material, and validity problems about the information. These dimensions also present suggestions about how to make the METU Science and Technology Museum more visit friendly.


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How to Cite

Garip, B., & Bülbül, M. Şahin. (2014). A Blind Student’s Outdoor Science Learning Experience: Barrier Hunting at METU Science and Technology Museum. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 6(2), 100–109. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v6i2.59