The Impact of MOODLE-Supported Cooperative Learning Process on University Students’ Anxiety Levels towards Chemistry Laboratory and on Their Attitudes towards Chemistry

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MOODLE, Cooperative learning process, Chemistry laboratory, Anxiety and attitude


The purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of MOODLE (Modular Object- Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)-supported cooperative learning process on Elementary Science Teacher Education Program (ESTEP) undergraduate freshman students ‘anxiety levels towards chemistry laboratory and on their attitudes towards chemistry. Besides, students’ opinions on cooperation process are also worked on. The study was carried out on one group using both pre-and post-test experimental studies. The findings of the study were obtained through qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample of the study was 46 first-year undergraduate students at a state university in Turkey taking General Chemistry Laboratory-I classes. The study was implemented during the autumn semester of the 2012-2013 academic years and for a period of 28 hours. The quantitative data were obtained using the “Chemistry Laboratory Anxiety Scale”, “Chemistry Course Attitude Scale” and “Cooperation Process Scale”. The qualitative data, on the other hand, were collected via “Questionnaire to Determine Student Opinions on MOODLE-supported Cooperation Groups”. Paired sample ttest was used for the pre-and post-test comparisons. One-sample t-test was used to analyze the data obtained from the cooperation process scale. Qualitative data were subjected to descriptive analysis and then given infrequency and percent tables. The findings of the study revealed that MOODLE-supported cooperative learning process had no impact in decreasing ESTEP students’ anxiety levels towards chemistry laboratory and on their attitudes towards chemistry. It is found that MOODLE- supported cooperative learning process has a positive impact on positive dependency, face-to-face supportive interaction, individual responsibility, small group skills and group process behaviors.


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How to Cite

Tosun, C. (2014). The Impact of MOODLE-Supported Cooperative Learning Process on University Students’ Anxiety Levels towards Chemistry Laboratory and on Their Attitudes towards Chemistry. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 6(2), 123–141.