The Investigation of the Perception of Problem Solving Skills by Pre- Service Science Teachers in the Science Laboratory

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Problem-solving applications, Problem-solving skills, Perception of problem solving skills, Science education, Scientific process skills


This study was conducted with 100 pre service science teachers, who participated in problem solving applications at the science laboratory and the aim was to determine; i) their performances in problem solving applications, ii) their of perception levels for problem solving skills and iii) whether their performances in problem solving applications could be predicted by certain variables as their perception of problem solving skills and scientific process skills. Single group posttest model was made use of in the study. Perception of problem solving skills inventory, scientific process skill test, problem solving skill evaluation form and student report evaluation form were used as data collection tools. Following the activities, fully structured interviews were made with 10 pre service teachers for their opinions “problem solving approach in the science laboratory” and the processes it involves. Statistical analysis concluded that 45% of the change in performances of student teachers could collectively be predicted by certain variables as their perceptions of problem solving skills and scientific process skills.


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How to Cite

Güngör Seyhan, H. (2014). The Investigation of the Perception of Problem Solving Skills by Pre- Service Science Teachers in the Science Laboratory. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 6(2), 142–161.