A Path Analytic Study: Effect of Affective Characteristics on Learning Outcomes

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  • Serhat Kocakaya Yüzüncü Yıl University
  • Selahattin Gönen Dicle University




Field education, path analysis, affective characteristics, achievement


Primary purpose of this study is to examine affective characteristics affecting the student’s achievement and influences of the relationships between these characteristics on the achievement with path analysis. With this purpose, students’ self efficacy perceptions and their attitudes towards physics and computer were taken in account as affective characteristics. Each of these characteristics is independent variables and their effects examining on the basis of learning approaches of Computer Aided Cooperative Learning (CACL) and Computer Aided 7E model (CA7E). As a result of these examinations, conducted with the path analysis; it has been determined that the affective characteristics such as attitudes towards the computer and physics courses and self-efficacy perceptions are not an effective factor on the students’ achievements considering both in the concept and physics course. Setting out from these findings, it has been concluded that the self-efficacy perception and attitude towards the physics course may not have that much big of an influence on achievement as it has been stated in literature.


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How to Cite

Kocakaya, S., & Gönen, S. (2013). A Path Analytic Study: Effect of Affective Characteristics on Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 5(1), 11–38. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v5i1.72