Efficacy of Creative Drama Techniques in Teaching Changes in Matter

Science and technology, creative drama, changes of matterAbstract
In this study, the efficacy of using creative drama techniques in teaching the subject “changes of matter” for to the students of 4th grade Science and Technology was investigated. The sample group consisted of 27 students from the experimental group and 26 students from the control group formed the sample of the study. In order to collect data, a multiple-choice achievement test was developed and applied to assess the level of achievement level from the concepts of the related subject. The subject and its concepts were taught to the experimental group of students by the developed creative drama activities and to the control group of students by conventional methods. T-test and one-way ANCOVA were used by means of statistical analysis. Collected data was presented in charts and interpreted. Knowledge levels of the experimental and the control groups of students were observed to increase. However, in the analysis based on the achievement pre-tests applied to the experimental and the control groups, the difference between post-test results was found to be significant in the advantage of the experimental group. Teaching by using creative drama techniques was proved to be more effective in improving students' success. It is suggested that teachers need to be good drama leaders as well as having enough content knowledge in order to use creative drama techniques and therefore The Ministry of National Education should provide in-service training seminars.
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