A Multiple Case Study: Turkish Physics Teachers’ Teaching Beliefs Related to the National High School Physics Curriculum

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Physics Education, Teaching Beliefs, Turkish High School Physics Curriculum


In the present Turkish High School Physics Curriculum (THSPC), it was explicitly stated that physics teachers should use various teaching methods and techniques such as 5E, 7E, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem solving in their instructional practices. Although the use of multiple methods and techniques has been suggested by the national physics curriculum, it is probable that teachers do not teach by using various instructional methods and techniques. Some factors, especially their beliefs about how to teach physics according to the THSPC, can affect their use of various teaching methods and techniques. Identifying teachers’ teaching beliefs related to the THSPC and investigating the reflection of these beliefs in their instructional practices can contribute to effective implementation of the THSPC. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify physics teachers’ beliefs about how to teach physics according to the THSPC and to investigate the extent of reflection of these beliefs in their teaching. Four teachers from different schools participated in this study. Data was collected through interviews, open-ended questionnaire and classroom observations. According to the data results, all physics teachers believed that they could teach physics according to the THSPC by giving examples from daily life, and creating a discussion environment. In addition, the classroom observations showed that they generally used these two teaching techniques in their instructional practices.


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How to Cite

Kapucu, S., & Yildirim, U. (2013). A Multiple Case Study: Turkish Physics Teachers’ Teaching Beliefs Related to the National High School Physics Curriculum. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 5(2), 120–143. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v5i2.79