A survey to measure perceived agency of teachers

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agency, Rasch model, teacher attitude, teacher training


Dissemination of reformed curriculum requires teachers to feel that they have the freedom to actually implement the curriculum. Whereas greater learning gains are found with active learning, this generally requires more time than rote lecturing. National standards which call for wide content coverage make such approaches prohibitive. This and other pressures may lead teachers to feel that they have little control over what and how they teach. Here, we assess a survey we designed to measure a “teacher's perceived agency“, which we define as “a feeling of being in control over what is taught and of how it is taught.”


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How to Cite

Hull, M. M., & Uematsu, H. (2020). A survey to measure perceived agency of teachers. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 12(3), 49–59. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v12i3.82