Student Performance in A-level Chemistry Examinations in Makoni District, Zimbabwe
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Chemistry Concepts, Chemistry Teaching, Constructivist Method, Examinations, Meaningful LearningAbstract
The case study was carried out at three high schools in Makoni District, Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe, involving form six chemistry students and their teachers, during January to May 2011. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, observations and securitization of records and other documents, revealing factors affecting student performance and how performance might be enhanced. The study exposed a number of issues to be addressed by curriculum planners, teachers, examining board and students to improve examination performance. Teachers and students voiced concern about the extensive nature of the chemistry syllabus and the nature of examination questions and they felt that the abstract nature of chemistry was a major source of learning problems. Some students had misgivings about the way the subject was taught, lack of suitable text books and the very limited access to practical work, attitude of some teachers who failed to motivate students toward liking the subject, and the quality of teachers. Participants gave suggestions for improvement of performance.
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