Determination of Preservice Chemistry Teachers’ Cognitive Structures via Flow Map Method and Their Knowledge Level on “Greenhouse Gases and Their Effects” Topic
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Cognitive Structure, Concept Test, Conceptual Understanding, Flow Map, MisconceptionAbstract
The purpose of the current study was three-fold. The first purpose was to examine preservice chemistry teachers’ cognitive structures in order to define their conceptual understanding and misconceptions of “greenhouse gases and their effects.” The second purpose was to determine their knowledge level regarding this topic by means of different kinds of concept tests. The third purpose was to analyze the correlation between the preservice chemistry teachers’ success on the tests and their conceptual understanding. Thirty preservice chemistry teachers from Hacettepe University participated in the study. To define their cognitive structures relevant to the topic, the flow map method was used. Multiple Choice Concept Test, Correct Concept Test, and Incorrect Concept Test were used to determine their knowledge level of “greenhouse gases and their effects”. The analysis on the flow maps showed that they do not have enriched cognitive structures and lack knowledge. Also we observed that they have some misconceptions. It was determined that there is a significant, positive correlation between their success on the Correct Concept Test scores. However, their scores on the Multiple Choice Concept Test and Incorrect Concept Test were insignificant when assessed in relation to conceptual understandings.
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