Impact of Audio-Visual Aids on Senior High School Students’ Achievement in Physics

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  • Richmond Quarcoo-Nelson University of Cape Coast
  • Isaac Buabeng University of Cape Coast
  • De-Graft Kwadwo Osafo University of Western Ontario



Audio-Visual Aids, Senior High School, Physics Achievement, Traditional Method


This study was aimed at finding out the impact audio-visual-aided instruction on students’ achievement in physics at Cape Coast township of Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana. The study was a non-randomized pre-test/post-test group design. A total of 65 students in Senior High School (SHS) formed the sample for the study. The students were fourth year science students from two purposefully selected co-educational SHS. The two selected schools were randomly designated experimental and control groups respectively. A validated physics achievement test instrument of a reliability coefficient of 0.76 was administered. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test statistics were used to test the two hypotheses formulated to guide the study at a significance level 0.05. The results showed that SHS students taught with audio-visual aided instruction performed better than those taught with traditional method. The mean achievement scores of both male and female students improved significantly by the use of the audio-visual aided instruction. It was therefore recommended that SHS physics teachers should explore the use of audio-visual-aided instruction to teach the subject, physics.


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How to Cite

Quarcoo-Nelson, R., Buabeng, I., & Osafo, D.-G. K. (2012). Impact of Audio-Visual Aids on Senior High School Students’ Achievement in Physics. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 4(1), 46–54.