Teaching with Concept Mapping Instructional Strategy in Nigeria Secondary Schools

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  • Oluyemi Omodeleola Simpson Akeju College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti
  • Okeowo Cornelius Rotimi College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti
  • Amoke Monisola Kenni College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti




Concept Mapping, Concept Mapping Instructional Strategy, Generalized Motion of Movement of Particles or Objects, Motion Concept Map


The research study investigated the effects of teaching with Concept Mapping instructional strategy on learning achievement in Nigeria Secondary Schools. The research study adopted the Quasi-Experimental Research design. The population comprised of a sample of 168 Senior Secondary School Class-two Physics students purposively selected from Senior Secondary Schools across Ekiti State, Nigeria. The Instrument used consisted in two parts: a) Motion Concept Map developed for the research study and; b) printed materials in the form of tutorial test items developed and used to elicit responses to the treatment. The research hypotheses tested were; there is no significant effect of treatment on students’ learning achievement; there is no significant effect of treatment on students’ retention; there is no significant effect of treatment on students’ learning attitude. The research study revealed that: Concept Mapping Instructional strategy contributed to learning achievement in physics; there is significant effect of treatment on students’ retention of learned materials; there is significant effect in students’ learning attitude. Result established that the instructional strategy when integrated with any method of instruction resulted in improved learning achievement.


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How to Cite

Akeju, O. O. S., Rotimi, O. C., & Kenni, A. M. (2012). Teaching with Concept Mapping Instructional Strategy in Nigeria Secondary Schools. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 4(SI), 13–19. https://doi.org/10.51724/ijpce.v4iSI.101