Investigation of Student-Centered Teaching Applications of Physics Student Teachers

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Computer-Assisted Teaching, Context-Based Instruction, Physics Student Teachers, REACT, Student-Centered Teaching


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of teaching materials in physics, based on Context-Based Instruction, REACT [Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring] and Computer-Assisted Teaching methods, on the academic success, interests and attitudes of student teachers. This study was conducted with 159 ninth and tenth graders in three different Anatolian high schools in Trabzon that were chosen as field sites in the Spring semester in the context of Faculty-School Partnership. The results of the pre-and posttest that were applied to a single group were compared, and the effects of Computer-Assisted Teaching, REACT and Context-Based Instruction on the attitudes, interests and academic success of the students toward physics were considered. Based on the findings, it was concluded that REACT, the Content-Based Approach, and Computer-Assisted Learning Method were effective in increasing the student success, interest and positive attitude.


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Author Biography

Ahmet Zeki Saka, Karadeniz Technical University

Currently @ Trabzon University


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How to Cite

Saka, A. Z. (2011). Investigation of Student-Centered Teaching Applications of Physics Student Teachers. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 3(SI), 51–58.