Vol. 3 No. SI (2011): EJPCE - Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education
Contribution of Video Analysis of Elevator Experiments to Physics Achievement
Abstract views: 212 /
PDF downloads: 103
Developing of the Concept Cartoon, Animation and Diagnostic Branched Tree Supported Conceptual Change Text: “Gas Pressure”
Abstract views: 599 /
PDF downloads: 450
The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction with Simulation in Science and Physics Activities on the Success of Student: Electric Current
Abstract views: 799 /
PDF downloads: 728
Computer-Assisted and Laboratory-Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics
Abstract views: 899 /
PDF downloads: 609
Investigation of Student-Centered Teaching Applications of Physics Student Teachers
Abstract views: 576 /
PDF downloads: 359
Investigating of Relationships between Attitudes towards Physics Laboratories, Motivation and Amotivation for the Class Engagement
Abstract views: 608 /
PDF downloads: 584
Students’ Perceptions of Learning Effiency of Introductory Physics Course
Abstract views: 419 /
PDF downloads: 313
Turkish New High School Physics Curriculum: Teachers' Views and Needs
Abstract views: 303 /
PDF downloads: 373
Pre-Service Science Teachers Views of In-Service Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Abstract views: 293 /
PDF downloads: 146