Analysis of TSKT Questions on Science Teaching in 2013 PPSE According to Reconstructing of Bloom Taxonomy

Public Personnel Selection Examination Questions, Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, Science TeachersAbstract
The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in Turkey hires teachers based on the results of the Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE). By 2013, the MoNE has decided to do another examination which is called the Teacher Subject Knowledge Test, in 13 different fields in addition to Educational Science Test. By this decision, prospective teachers have to take 3 different sessions including General Skills Test (GST), General Culture Test (GCT), Educational Science Test (EST), and Teacher Subject Knowledge Test (TSKT). The MoNE has selected teachers based on the results of these PPSE P121 tests. Calculation of PPSE P121 has been made by the following: GST %15, GCT %15, EST %20, and TSKT %50. Science education is one of these 13 different
fields. The cognitive levels of questions on TSKT test are related to how ready prospective science teachers are to teach in their subject. The aim of this study is to analyze TSKT questions on science teaching in 2013 PPSS according to reconstructing of Bloom Taxonomy. The requested permission for the analyses of the questions had been taken from the Student Selection and Placement Center (SSPC). The study was conducted using the document analysis method in the framework of qualitative research. At the end of this study; the majority of TSKT questions were found as low cognitive level according to Bloom Taxonomy. Based on the results of this study, some recommendations have been declared for the readers of this study.
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