An Investigation of Teacher Response to National Science Curriculum Reforms in Turkey


Elementary Science and Technology Curriculum, Curriculum Reform, Elementary School Science Teacher, School TypeAbstract
Major science education curriculum reform is taking place in Turkey involving a substantial break with past science curricula. Such reform has significant implications for teachers but to date there has been little research on teacher response to these reforms. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the impact on the teachers who are charged with implementing reforms. Semi-structured interviews with 18 elementary science teachers were conducted and additional observational data was recorded. The interview schedule comprised 23 questions in 9 themes. According to the data analysis, the main problem for teachers is that curriculum reforms involve overly big innovative ideas within unrealistically short timelines and with limited economic investment in human resources and supporting materials. In addition, there is a lack of organization and coherence between system stakeholders. Another drawback is the very centralized educational system and the idea that change can be driven from the top down.
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