Computer-Assisted and Laboratory-Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics

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Computer-Assisted Teaching, Laboratory-Assisted Teaching, Physics Achievement, Attitude


Does the computer-assisted teaching method as effective as the laboratory-assisted teaching method on student physics achievement and attitude towards physics? To seek for answering this question is the aim of the present study. The computer-assisted teaching method of the study includes the programs of Crocodile Physics and Edison 4.0 in the subject of “simple electric circuits” on 9th grade level. By using the experimental pre-test/post-test, experimental-control group design, “Physics Achievement Test” and “Physics Laboratory Attitude Scale” administered two times as pre-test and post-test were used as the data collection tools and they were administered to 50 9th grade students. The data were then analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 statistical analysis program and statistics such as mean, Standard Deviation were calculated and independent t-test statistical techniques were used. According to the data analysis, there is a significant difference on students’ physics achievements in favor of the computer-assisted teaching method and also both for two different teaching methods there is a significant difference on students’ attitudes towards physics. Thus, it can be said that to develop students’ physics achievements and attitudes towards physics using the computer-assisted teaching method can be more effective than the laboratory-assisted teaching method.


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Author Biography

Özlem Aydın Şengüleç, Zonguldak Karaelmas University

Currently @ Bülen Ecevit University


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How to Cite

Azar, A., & Aydın Şengüleç, Özlem. (2011). Computer-Assisted and Laboratory-Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 3(SI), 43–50.