Comparison of Science High School, Fine Art School and General High School Students’ Environmental Consciousness and Their Attitudes Towards Environment

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Attitudes towards environment, High school students, Environmental education


In this study, the purpose is to compare 10th grade science high school, fine art school and general high school students’ attitudes towards environment in Adiyaman. These three high schools are different in terms of their educational and foundational missions. 212 students from science high school, fine art school and general high school have participated in this study. In this study, scale named attitudes towards environment, which was developed by Gökce for determining the elementary school students’ attitudes towards environment, was used after modification of the items. Likert type survey was used in this study with the 0.67 Cronbach alpha value. Research data were presented by number, percent distribution, arithmetic mean, t-test, and one-way ANOVA to compare attitudes towards environment points. Attitudes towards environment were considered with reflect to school, department, and gender. According to the findings of the research, students in general high school had greater attitude scores and have more positive attitudes towards environment comparing to students in fine art high school and science high school. It was also observed that students in social science departments and girls had more positive attitudes comparing to students in science and Turkish-Mathematics (TM) and boys respectively.


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Author Biography

Kamile Gülüm, Adiyaman University

Current affiliation @ Balıkesir University


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How to Cite

Akgün, A., & Gülüm, K. (2009). Comparison of Science High School, Fine Art School and General High School Students’ Environmental Consciousness and Their Attitudes Towards Environment. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 1(1), 21–31.