The Effect of Problem Based Learning Approach on Conceptual Understanding in Teaching of Magnetism Topics

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  • Aslıhan Kartal Tasoğlu Dokuz Eylül University
  • Mustafa Bakaç Celal Bayar University



Conceptual understanding, Magnetism, Problem based learning


The aim of this research is to examine effect of problem based learning on conceptual understanding in teaching of magnetism topics. The research was conducted with 48 students attending of 1st class of the Department of Science Education in a state university in Turkey and a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group design was implemented. A concept test of magnetism topics was developed to identify students’ conceptual understanding about units of “Magnetic Field and Its Effects”, “Magnetic Field Sources” and “Magnetic Flux and Induction Law”. The control group was taught using traditional teaching methods. The traditional approach to concept teaching consists of the following steps; giving the student the word that expresses the concept, specifying the definition of the concept and identifying and distinguishing qualities needed to understand the definition, to ensure that students find examples related and unrelated to the concepts. However, the experimental group was exposed to Problem Based Learning (PBL) activities involving problem scenarios. PBL is informed in sessions within which there are small collaborative groups comprised of 6 or 8 students with guidance from a tutor. They deal with scenarios involving several problems that are authentic, complex, illstructured problems to help students make connections between theory and real-world application. Instruction took 18 class hours in total. The data were analyzed using ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance). The findings of the study revealed that PBL is more effective than the traditional teaching methods in improving students’ conceptual understanding about magnetism topics.


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How to Cite

Kartal Tasoğlu, A., & Bakaç, M. (2014). The Effect of Problem Based Learning Approach on Conceptual Understanding in Teaching of Magnetism Topics. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 6(2), 110–122.