Investigating of Relationships between Attitudes towards Physics Laboratories, Motivation and Amotivation for the Class Engagement

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  • Ali Eryılmaz Ankara Lisesi (Anadolu), Ankara
  • İsmail Yıldız Ayrancı Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara
  • Sedef Akın Aydınlıkevler Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara



Motivation, Class Engagement, Attitudes towards Physics Laboratory


The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between high school students’ attitudes towards physics laboratories, their motivation and amotivation levels for the class engagement. The study was carried out on 114 male and 180 female (total 294) adolescents attending high schools and their age range is 14-17. The data of the study was collected by means of The Attitudes towards Physics Laboratories Scale and Motivation and Amotivation for the Class Engagement Scale. In the analysis of the data, simple regression analysis was used. According to the results of the analysis, it was observed that the students who have negative attitudes towards physics laboratory have lack of motivation for class engagement, and also the students who have positive attitudes towards physics laboratory have motivation for class engagement (R2=0.14; F=22.31, p<0.00). Findings were discussed in the context of the literature.


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How to Cite

Eryılmaz, A., Yıldız, İsmail, & Akın, S. (2011). Investigating of Relationships between Attitudes towards Physics Laboratories, Motivation and Amotivation for the Class Engagement. International Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 3(SI), 59–64.